
Micro-Grant is a program created by the PTO to help give back to our amazing teacher and staff. Our goal is to help support and enhance the teaching experience for teachers, and the learning experience for all students. Grants are not only for classroom needs, but also for the needs of clubs, sports, and all other school sponsored activities, it is open to all. Each month at our PTO meeting, we discuss the applications that were received, and vote to approve based on things like; need, number of students the grant will reach, and cost. This program runs during the school year from September to May. Each month the PTO allocates $400 a month for grants (with a limit of $200 per grant).

Please note that you MUST be a current member of the PTO in order to have your application approved. All you need to become a current PTO member for this year is fill out a membership form and pay the small due of $5. The best part is, membership money (from staff and parents) rolls right back in to help pay for these grants!

To apply, please fill out a Micro-Grant application and turn it into the PTO box in the front office (Not the lock box) by the last day of each month for review at the next PTO meeting! Please also review all guidelines before applying. MICROGRANT CONSIDERATION WILL BEGIN IN OCTOBER.

If you would ever like to present your application at the meetings, we would love to have you there! (Attendance at PTO meetings is not necessary, and does not affect the approval of your grant application.)

If you have questions throughout the year about Micro-Grants and the process, please do not hesitate to reach out.

The Micro-Grant application can be found in the files to the left.